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ROI-Return on Investment

ROI-Return on Investment

25 October 2021

By: Suresh Wadhwani

One of the favourite questions that potential customers have when they get to know that I’ve been a CFO in my earlier avatar, is “What is the ROI on the capexp to be spent on an RFID solution?”

A very valid and important question from financial management and adequately deploying scarce capital resources perspective.

In almost all cases, we have found that the huge benefits that an RFID solution brings to the process – be it inventory management, asset management, track & trace, customer satisfaction; the resulting financial benefits are so huge that the ROI is within a period of few months.

At Intellistride, we keep customer benefits at the forefront of solution creation. We devise the “best cost” solution for our customers and are confident that from an ROI perspective, the investment can be easily justified.

If any of you would like to understand and calculate the ROI for your specific business solution, please bring the details of the problem to us – our solution consultants will devise an innovative solution for you and draw up the bill of materials and we will give you the cost of implementing this solution along with the ROI for you to make the business call. Write to us @

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